Clarification and Advance Ruling


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ACAAR No.08_2016-17 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'Cold Storages (mobile and stationery) for vegetables and fruits' - Clarification - Regarding. 12/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR No.16_2016-17 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - Rate of tax on 'Liquefied Petroleum Gas' - Clarification - Regarding. 12/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR No.42_2015-16 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'Groundnut Decordicator'- Clarification - Regarding. 08/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR No.11_2016-17 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'Cotton Rag Pulp Board' - Clarification - Regarding. 08/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR_70 (16_17) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on sale of 'Branded Packed Tender Coconut Water and Branded Packed Coconut Milk'' - Clarification - Regarding. 07/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR No.54_2015-16 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'HSD used for operating Fork Lift in Granite Industry' - Clarification - Regarding. 07/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR No.111_2015-16 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on "Electronic Speed Limiter'' - Clarification - Regarding. 06/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR_67 (15_16) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'LED Lights, LED Bulbs, LED Fixtures'' - Clarification - Regarding. 04/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR_66 (2016_17) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on sale of 'Black Pepper'' - Clarification - Regarding. 04/06/2018 pdf
ACAAR_38 (16_17) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'Textiles Fabric Coated with cum like cloth paper cover and cotton coated fabrics' - Clarification - Regarding. 31/05/2018 pdf