Clarification and Advance Ruling


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Name Description Date Download
ACAAR_32 (16_17) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'de-oiled cake'' - Clarification - Regarding. 29/12/2016 pdf
ACAAR_33 (13_14) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of Tax on 'TEA CLEANING AND BLENDING MACHINE'' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_02 (13_14) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of Tax on 'Textile machines and CNC machines as Capital Goods'' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_134 (14_15) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of tax on 'PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT'S FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF ALTERNATIVE INDUSTRIAL FUEL OIL FROM WASTE PLASTICS'' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_09 (14_15) CT Dept. - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of Tax on 'Student Note Books and Exercise Note Books' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_138 (14_15) CT Dept. - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - Rate of Tax on 'Pedal Loom Machine - Manual Powered (With help of legs) - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_56 (13_14) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of Tax on 'ENERGY PROCESSING MACHINES AND SPARES, BOILER COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES'' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_60 (13_14) CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'Rate of Tax on 'RICE AND DHALL MILL MACHINERIES'' - Clarification - Regarding. 26/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_132 (13_14) CT Dept. - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - Rate of Tax on 'Gypsum powder' - Clarification - Regarding. 25/10/2016 pdf
ACAAR_137 (14_15) CT Dept. - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - Rate of Tax on 'Sale of used/ Reconditioned Cars'- Clarification - Regarding. 25/10/2016 pdf