Clarification and Advance Ruling Archive


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Name Description Date Download
ACAAR_4 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'SALT PAN GYPSUM' - Clarification - Regarding. 25/10/2013 pdf
ACAAR_6 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'REPAIRS AND SUPPLY OF YARN CLEARERS USED ON TEXTILE MACHINES' - Clarification - Regarding. 25/10/2013 pdf
ACAAR_5 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'RICE MILL SCREENS' - Clarification - Regarding. 25/10/2013 pdf
ACAAR_107 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'ELECTRONIC INCIRCUIT FUNCTIONAL TEST EQUIPMENTS/PCB DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT AUTOMATED TEST EQUIPMENT' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_111 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'IRON OXIDES' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_17 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'SOLATUBE (ENERGY SAVING PRODUCT)' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_25 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'ALUMINIUM PASTE' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_31 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'BRANDED SWEETS AND SAVOURIES' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_26 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'ALUMINIUM POWDER' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 27/08/2013 pdf
ACAAR_7 (13_14) 2013 CT Department - Authority for Clarification and Advance Ruling - 'IRON STEEL STRUCTURAL (C-PURLIN / Z-PURLIN)' - Clarification sought - Regarding. 21/06/2013 pdf