Ms. Panasonic Life Solutions India Private Limited - Advance Ruling No. 17-ARA-2024 dated 25.07.2024
Advance Ruling No. 17-ARA-2024 dated 25.07.2024 - The activity of the transfer of title of goods stored in FTWZ Unit by the applicant to its customers in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) or multiple transfer within the FTWZ will get covered under para 8(a) of Schedule-III of the CGST/TNGST Acts 2017
Tvl. Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited - Advance Ruling No. 116-AAR-2023 - Rectification of Mistake dated 24.07.2024
Advance Ruling No. 116-AAR-2023 - Rectification of Mistake dated 24.07.2024 - Opinion that there is no apparent error or mistake on the face of the record in the Advance Ruling No. 116/AAR/2023 dated 22.11.2023 as alleged by the applicant.
Ms. V M Polymers - Mohan Sujatha - Advance Ruling No. 16-ARA-2024 dated 24.07.2024
Advance Ruling No. 16-ARA-2024 dated 24.07.2024 - The products viz rope handle, vent plug and split top - bottom support, made from plastic merit classification under heading 8507 and the rate of tax.
Tvl.CMA CGM Global Business Services India Private Limited Formerly known as CMA CGM Shared Service Centre India Pvt Ltd.,
ORDER No.15/ARA/2024 Dated: 15.07.2024 The applicant is eligible to avail input Services in respect of leasing/renting/hiring of motor vehicles to provide transportation facility to ensure safety and security of women employees as per Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act, 1947
Tvl.International Institute of Bio Technology and Toxicology
Order No. 14/ARA/2024 Dated 11.07.2024
The Notification No. 04/2019 - Integrated Tax, issued dated 30tg September 20l9 shall not be applicable on the services supplied by the applicant, i.e., research and development services provided in relation to 'Agro-chemical sector'.
Tvl.Last Forest Enterprise Private Limited
Order No.13/ARA/2024, Dated 09.07.2024 The grant from the Food and Agriculture Organization of UN is not a supply in accordance with the provisions of the GST Act.
Tvl. Mannarai Common Effluent Treatment Plant Private Limited
Advance Ruling (Remanded Order) No 20/ARA/2023 dated 27.06.2024 - In the proposed modus of purchase of 'Raw effluent', treating it on own account, and the supply of output at market rates, the classification of supply of output as 'sale of goods' is correct, as discussed in para 11.4 of this order.
2. The classification of Water recovered, which is 'de-mineralized water' for Industrial use, is under CTH 2201 as Waters described under S.No.24 of Schedule - III of notification No. 01/2017-C.T.(Rate) dated 28.06.2017.
Tvl.Metropolitan Transport Corporation
Advance Ruling No 12/ARA/2024 dated 25.06.2024 - Yes, the collection of increased rents for the past period shall be treated as "supply" under the CGST / TNGST Acts, 2017
2. Yes, the entire increased rent amount of Rs.16042203/-, as submitted by the applicant for the period from 01.09.2005 to 31.08.2022, shall be liable to GST, under the CGST / TNGST Acts 2017
Tvl. Tamil Nadu Generation & Distribution Corporation Limited
Advance Ruling No. 11/ARA/2024, Dated 20.06.2024
1. The value of 'Deposit Contribution Works' to be adopted by the applicant on 'Self Execution Schemes' shall be the amount charged and received by the applicant in relation to the said service.
2. Yes, The value to be adopted by the applicant for 'Deposit Contribution Works' under the 'Self Execution Schemes' shall be restricted to "Establishment and Supervision charges" and "Other charges" if charged and received from the recipient of service.
Tvl. Access Healthcare. Services Private Limited
Advance Ruling No 10/ARA/2024 dated 30.05.2024 - The applicant is eligible to avail the input tax credit on contract staffing services under section 16(1) of GST Act,2017 subject to the fulfilment of conditions specified under the said section, as discussed in para 10 above.
Tvl. Prime Expat Infra Private Limited
Advance Ruling No. 09/ARA/2024 Dated 30.05.2024 - The sub item "da" of item "v" mentioned in item "ie" of SL No 3 of Notification No. 1l/2017-Central Tax {Rate) dated 28.06.2017 as amended is applicable to the applicant and the rates as mentioned against the said item 'ie' which is 12% (CGST 6% + SGST 6%) shall be applicable to the applicant , in respect of supply of construction services of residential flats qualifying the scheme mentioned in sub item "da" of item "v". Further in case of supply of services involving transfer of land or undivided share of land the value of supply shall be reduced by one third making the effective rate 8%{CGST 4% + SGST 4%).
Tvl. United India Insurance Company Limited
Advance Ruling No. 08/ARA/2024 Dated 30.05.2024 - insurance services provided by the Applicant is exempted from GST under the Serial Number 40 of the Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated 28th June 2017
Advance Ruling No 07/ARA/2024 dated 30.04.2024 - Iput tax Credit is not admissible under section 17(5)(d) of CGST/TNGST Acts 2017 on the Rotary Parking System desired to be installed by the applicant, as discussed.
Advance Ruling No 06/ARA/2024 dated 30.04.2024 - GST is not leviable on the sale of goods warehoused in 3P FTWZ on "as is where is" basis to customer who clear the same to bonded warehouse under the MOOWR Scheme.
Tvl. DCW Limited
Order No. 05/ARA/2024 dated 28.03.2024: The subset clause of exemption of GST on Ocean freight and Air Export Freight under notification 08/2017 integrated tax- serial number 9 item ii. Transport of goods in a vessel @ 5% and item vii. Goods transport services both than 1 to 6 i.e., Air at 18% has not been extended beyond 01.10.2022 and thus the ocean freight and air freight on exports have become taxable. In case of CIF basis of export, the freight is paid by the exporter and the freight forwarder / shipping line charges the GST on freight on forward basis.
Ms. DCW Limited
Order No. 04/ARA/2024 dated 28.03.2024: The sunset clause of exemption of GST on Ocean freight and Air Export freight under notification 08/2017 integrated tax- serial number 9 item ii. Transport of goods in a vessel @ 5% and item vii. Goods transport services other than 1 to 6 i.e., Air at 18%, has not been extended beyond 01.10.2022 and thus the ocean freight and air freight on exports have become taxable.
Ms. Balat Enterprises Private Limited
Order No. 02/ARA/2024 dated 27.03.2024: The applicant is a Chennai based startup engaged mainly in providing a mobile based digital platform "VYAVSHAY" business to consumer model for small enterpreneuts to reach out bigger market easily at their own terms and conditions. The business operations provided by the applicant are farm equipments transportation services, skill-based services, other additional service.
Ms. Asvini Fisheries Private Limited
Advance Ruling No. 03/ARA/2024, Dated 27.03.2024: The export of processed frozen shrimps HSN: 0306, packed in individual printed pouch / box, attracts GST at applicable rates, even if they are further packed inside a printed master carton of upto 25 kgs each containing the design, label and other particulars provided by the buyer.
Tvl. First Choice Outsourceing Services
Whether GST is payable only on the service charges / commission or Income received by whichever name by the Agency Supplying Manpower and not on the salary / wages and related payments made to the Employees
Faiveley Transport Rail Technologies India Private Limited
Whether GST is applicable on recovery of nominal amount by the Applicant from employees for availing the facility of Canteen at the factory premises